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Linden Leaves

Mindful Brand

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    "title":"Linden Leaves",

    "description":"Linden Leaves is a purveyor of purity. Founded by Brigit Blair in 1995, who was simply trying to care for her two children with severe skin allergies, Linden Leaves was born out of necessity. Using natural, effective ingredients that are pure and gentle on all skin types, Linden leaves has gone from a humble home kitchen setup to an internationally loved brand. Discover our selection Linden Leaves products below.",

















          "label":"SHOP NOW",









    "title":"Linden Leaves",



The Linden Leaves skincare range includes the popular body oil product line for relaxation and revitalisation. The herbal and organic ingredients ensure soft and enriched skin, so you feel gorgeous and nourished.

You can start your beauty regime in the morning with the the Essential Facial Moisturiser and in the evening use the gentle Soothing Eye Makeup Remover that will cleanse the skin of impurities. To experience the complete effects of Linden Leaves, restore your skin with powerful anti-oxidants in the Regenerating Night Cream before you go to sleep.








    "title":"Wellness Blog",



        "label":"Visit Blog",





        "label":"Shop Now",








Linden Leaves is a Mindful Brand:
Environmentally Sustainable Environmentally Sustainable
Transparent Transparent
Socially Responsible Socially Responsible
Eco Packaging Eco Packaging