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Mad Millie Kefir Kit provides everything you need to make it yourself. Just add the culture to your own whole milk, goat, almond or rice milk, juice or coconut water and leave for 24 hours, shake and enjoy!
Kefir is the latest craze and is building in popularity, so jump on board! It is a delicious healthy drink, containing eight strains of live kefir culture.
Kefir can be made without milk too.
Drink on its own, pour over cereal or add to a smoothie, whatever you choose, it's easy, simple and delicious. With this kit you can also make kefir cheese too. Included culture makes up to 6 litres of kefir and comes with stainless steel mixing ball, cheese cloth, 1 litre glass jar and instructions.
Store culture in freezer. Each sachet can be used for culturing 1 litre.
Each sachet can be recultured (see kit instructions) up to 2 times.
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Each kefir starter sachet contains:
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis
Candida colliculosa
Streptococcus thermophilus
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
Bifidobacterium lactis
Lactobacillus acidophilus
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Directions + Precautions
Kefir can be made using milk, soy, coconut water or fruit juice. When using milk, pasteurised full fat or low fat milk is most commonly used with this culture. Unhomogenised milk can also be used if desired. Store your Kefir sachets in the freezer to prolong life.
How to Make Kefir
Note: Culture contains dairy
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About Mad Millie
<div class="brands-config">
"title":"Mad Millie",
"description":"Mad Millie is a kiwi company with a passion for delicious do-it-yourself food and drinks. Their starter kits make it easy to create tasty foods at home, bringing an element of fun and creativity to the kitchen and allowing you to enjoy things you've crafted yourself.",
"label":"SHOP NOW",
"title":"Mad Millie",
Fermented foods are something that have seen an enormous surge in popularity in recent years, and for very good reason – they are a natural source of the probiotics needed to fuel our bodies, with a particularly impressive ability to nurture our digestive systems and immune health.
One of the most popular ferments today is kefir, a beverage originating in the Caucasus region and made by introducing colonies of probiotic bacteria and yeast to milk to create a tart, fermented beverage similar to runny yoghurt. This can be enjoyed on its own or poured over fruit, mixed into smoothies, or eaten with muesli. Mad Millie’s kefir kits contain the powdered starter, so you know exactly which probiotic strains you’re using, as well as all necessary equipment to make it at home.
Try to make your own delicious Greek or coconut yoghurt in your kitchen too!
"title":"Wellness Blog",
"label":"Visit Blog",
"label":"Shop Now",
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