Daily supplement recommendation results
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Your daily feel-good essentials",<br />"description":"Ready to thrive? Your results are in, and our team are here to help you reset your healthy habits. Let’s get that good feeling with these Naturopath recommendations for a good night’s sleep, all-day energy, and a happy gut.",<br />"image":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-v7ajalirzz/images/stencil/original/image-manager/daily-supplement-quiz-hero-banner.png",<br />"tablet_image":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-v7ajalirzz/images/stencil/original/image-manager/120612-essential-supplements-landing-page-banner-mobile.png",<br />"mobile_image":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-v7ajalirzz/images/stencil/original/image-manager/120612-essential-supplements-landing-page-banner-mobile.png",<br />"show_overlay":true,<br />"show_button": false,<br />"hide_section": false<br />},<br />"shop_now_section":{<br />"hide_section": true,<br />"items":[<br />{<br />"type":"",<br />"image":"",<br />"title":"",<br />"description":"",<br />"button":{<br />"label":"SHOP NOW",<br />"url":"",<br />"new_window": false</p>
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<p>"learn_more_description":{<br />"hide_section":false,<br />"title":"<span class="ui-provider gs b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak" dir="ltr">Get ready to thrive</span>",<br />"description":["</p>
<p>Our Naturopath recommends these high-quality formulas to feel good, every day.</p>
<h4>What does your feel-good day look like?</h4>
<li><strong>Oodles of energy<br /></strong>Want to feel a burst of energy when you wake up? Or how does all-day steady energy sound? With a few small, simple changes to your day you can say see-ya to sluggish. <br /><br /></li>
<li><strong>Happy, healthy gut<br /></strong>So much of your feel-good starts with your gut. Welcome easy, regular digestion with plenty of fiber and roughage for an ‘internal sweep’. <br /><br /></li>
<li><strong>Deep, restorative sleep<br /></strong>Nodding off quickly and staying asleep throughout the night sound like a dream? Deep, restorative sleep is the foundation for your healthy day. Let’s get you more zzz’s. </li>
<p><strong><br />Naturopath-approved range - </strong>Our Naturopaths recommend these formulas thanks to their high-quality ingredients and excellent results. And because HealthPost has New Zealand’s leading ingredient, ethical and environmental standards – every choice is a healthy one for you and nature too.</p>
<p><strong>Healthy products, kinder prices - </strong>Putting your wellness first shouldn’t cost the earth. That’s why our products are priced to please and give back to nature. When you shop with us, you’ll earn Rewards and our environment is rewarded too through donations and projects that restore biodiversity, protect threatened species and sustain our local community.</p>
<p>=====END=====<br />"],<br />"bottom_title":"",<br />"bottom_description":""</p>
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