
4 reasons why Celtic Sea Salt is better than regular salt

celtic sea salt in a wooden salt dish

Salt is an essential ingredient in our daily meals, but did you know that not all salt is created equal? Celtic Sea Salt has gained popularity in recent years as a healthier option than regular table salt. So, what makes it so special?

What’s Celtic Sea Salt?

Celtic Sea Salt – also known as “sel gris” or “grey salt” - is a unique type of salt harvested off the coast of Brittany, France. This natural salt is a rich source of sodium and essential minerals. Hand-harvested using traditional methods, it guarantees purity and trace elements.

Unlike table salt, Celtic Sea Salt is unrefined and free of additives. Not only does it enhance the flavour of food with its unique depth, but it proves to be a better option than regular table salt Its natural properties make it a popular choice for your daily self-care (soothing salt bath anyone?), and you’ll find it in products like body scrubs. With its numerous nutritional benefits and versatility, this is truly the salt of the earth.

How is Celtic Sea Salt produced?

Celtic Sea Salt is produced through a natural evaporation process, where sea water is channelled into salt ponds or clay-lined basins. The sun, wind, and sea air help the salt crystallise.

Hand-harvested, cleaned, ground, and packaged, this mighty grey salt maintains its purity and quality.

Comparing with regular salt

When it comes to comparing Celtic Sea Salt with regular table salt, there are several few main differences to consider:

  • Processing methods: regular salt undergoes a refining process, in comparison to Celtic Sea Salt which is unrefined.
  • Nutrient content: Celtic Sea Salt is a source of sodium but also retains essential minerals including magnesium, calcium and potassium and over 60 trace minerals. Incredible right?

Nutritional differences

When it comes to nutritional differences, Celtic Sea Salt stands out as a rich source of essential minerals. It contains magnesium, potassium, and trace elements that nourish our health.

The minerals present in Celtic Sea Salt play a role in nutrient absorption and electrolyte balance. Unlike regular table salt, Celtic Sea Salt retains these beneficial minerals due to its unrefined nature. By making a simple swap in your kitchen, you can enjoy the flavour while also reaping the nutritional benefits.

Why’s Celtic Sea Salt a better option?

When it comes to choosing, there’s several reasons why Celtic Sea Salt could be a preferred option:

  1. Unrefined and packed with natural minerals not found in regular salt. This means you'll be getting more nutritional benefits, compared to regular salt.
  2. Unique flavour profile that can enhance the taste of your food. The subtle and complex flavours of Celtic Sea Salt can add depth to your dishes and make them more enjoyable.
  3. Harvesting is more sustainable and eco-friendlier than mining regular salt. Celtic Sea Salt is hand-harvested off the coast of France, ensuring minimal impact on the environment.
  4. Less processed and contains fewer additives compared to regular table salt. This makes it a healthier choice if you’re conscious about what goes into your food.

Dosage and side effects

The New Zealand and Australian health agencies recommend around 2,000 mg of sodium per day for adults (equivalent to about 5 g of salt or 1 teaspoon).

So, when it comes to salt, it's important to be aware of this limit as excessive consumption of sodium can interfere with blood pressure and water retention.

Here’s some easy naturopath tips:

  • Try to cook fresh as much as possible - avoiding prepacked condiments, meals and processed food, as they often contain high levels of (often hidden) sodium.
  • Consider introducing Celtic Sea Salt in your kitchen to spruce up meal ideas. It also contains additional wellness ingredients, such as kelp, which is a seaweed naturally rich in iodine.

Inspire your next meal idea with these healthy salted caramel truffles.

Better yet, discover our range of Natural Sea Salts – to make the switch and experience the difference it can make in your culinary preparations (and so much more).

Shop Harker Herbals Celtic Sea Salt →    Shop Natural Sea Salt →

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