
Collagen Peptides: their role in joint health

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Collagen is the most abundant protein that’s found in our bodies, making up the connective tissue that holds our body together. Its consumption supports overall health and wellness from skin to joint, tissue and muscle health. Collagen peptides support joint health by providing structural reinforcement to cartilage, tendons and ligaments - key for joint flexibility and comfort

The importance of collagen

Collagen is a crucial building block and structural protein, for various tissues like skin, hair, nails, bones, and connective tissues. Its importance extends beyond mere structural support. As we age, its natural synthesis and production decreases, especially from age 25 onwards. So, o once you’re over 25 it’s worth considering upping your intake of collagen peptides – either through diet or supplements.

What are collagen peptides

Collagen peptides tend to be more bioavailable and easily used by the body. Collagen undergoes a process called hydrolysis, breaking it down into smaller, more easily absorbed molecules. This results in Collagen Peptides, also known as hydrolysed collagen or collagen hydrolysate.

Derived from sources like bovine or marine, they contain high levels of amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Being rich in these key amino acids, they play a a very important role in supporting connective tissue,joint health, bone health, muscle mass, skin elasticity and overall body function.

Benefits of Collagen Peptides

The use of collagen as a supplement is becoming more and more popular for supporting healthy, plumped and glowing skin – but health and wellness goes beyond skin-deep. Collagen Peptides offer a multitude of benefits that can also:

  • Support healthy joints, joint flexibility and overall joint health.
  • Support healthy tissue maintenance, including gut and immune health.
  • Skin health support is one the most remarkable effects.

Collagen peptides and joint support

Collagen Peptides are a valuable addition to support joint health.

  • Structural support: by delivering a concentrated source of amino acids, they play a key role in the synthesis of the primary components of cartilage. This, in turn, supports the structural integrity of joints and their overall health.
  • Easy absorption for effective support: the hydrolysis process not only reduces collagen into peptides but also improves its absorption in the digestive system. This heightened bioavailability ensures that the body can efficiently utilise the essential amino acids, maximizing their potential to support joint health.
  • Comprehensive amino acid profile: they offer a comprehensive spectrum of amino acids, including glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids are key components needed for the healthy formation and maintenance of cartilage.
  • Flexibility and range of motion (ROM): by supporting the structure of connective tissues they support joint flexibility which supports range of motion and freedom of movement for joints.

Bone health support

When it comes to bone health, collagen peptides are equally important. They support strong bones by providing essential nutrients to support bone mass which is important for bone density loss, which naturally occurs with aging, especially for women, post-menopause. Also, they support bone mineral density, which is important for supporting strong and healthy bones.

Muscle mass and heart health support

Collagen’s amino acids content contribute to the body’s overall protein intake. Collagen peptides support:

  • Muscle health and muscle protein synthesis. They contribute to appropriate daily protein intake and supports muscle mass growth and maintenance. Muscle mass is a key aspect to support a healthy and strong body. Loss of muscle mass as we age is linked to movement reduction, so looking after your muscle mass is key for overall health.
  • Also, they provide essential amino acids that support heart health by supporting muscle tissue synthesis.

Connective tissue and gut integrity

Collagen peptides are popular for supporting:

  • Connective tissue health as they support hydration, elasticity and firmness - important factors for wrinkles but also for overall wound healing and tissue health.

These are important aspects for soft ageing - but not only for beauty purposes! The epithelial (connective) tissue includes not only the outer layer of skin, but also the lining of the respiratory tract, gut cavity, and the intestines.

Our gut lining integrity is important for proper absorption of food and essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals which are needed optimal health.

Different types of collagen

There are several types of collagen, each with different characteristics:

  • Type I which is found in skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments and it’s the most abundant type in the body.
  • Type II is primarily found in cartilage.
  • Type III is present in skin, muscles, and blood vessels, contributing to their elasticity and strength.

When it comes to collagen, there two main sources:

  • Marine: sourced from fish - combines types I and III.
  • Bovine: sourced from cows - is rich in types I and III.

While taking collagen supplements, the emphasis is often on the overall benefits rather than specific types. This is because the body can use the amino acids from different types to support overall cartilage production, joint and tissue health.

Collagen Peptides in foods

Collagen can be naturally found in foods like bone, skin, tendons, and connective tissue of animals. These peptides are also present in fish, eggs, and chicken skin which can be incorporated into a balanced diet. To boost their daily intake, try adding collagen-rich foods such as high quality bone broth to soups, stews, or you favourite savoury recipe.

Keen to make your own version? Take notes from this  Homemade Bone Broth Recipe.

Collagen Peptides supplements in everyday

Incorporating this mighty ingredient as a supplement into the daily diet - is easier than you might think! Here are some simple ideas:

  • Simply add the powder form to your favourite beverages like coffee, or tea.
  • Mix your favourite flavoured powder with yogurt, oatmeal, or overnight oats for a delicious boost.
  • Add the unflavoured powder (or some high-quality bone broth) to soups, stews, sauces, or baked recipe – adding an extra kick while enhancing the flavour. If you're on the go or prefer capsules, collagen are available in powder, capsule, sachet, gummies or liquid form.

Collagen supplementation: what you need to know

To maximise results, it's important to know the recommended dosage of collagen peptides, based on your health goals.

Generally, collagen supplements supporting joint health deliver 5-10 grams of collagen per serving size. But always make sure to read and follow the directions on the packaging as this might differ across different brands.

When choosing collagen peptide products, factors such as purity, source, and production process should be considered. We know this is important for you and it is for us too: we only chose products that meet New Zealand's leading ethical, environmental and ingredient standards - which makes choosing a breeze!

Can I consume collagen every day?

Consuming collagen daily supports joint health, skin elasticity, gut and heart health. Incorporating collagen peptides into your daily routine supports overall health and wellness. Consistency is key when taking a collagen supplement – it's ideally taken on a daily basis to give your body a consistent supply of these building blocks.

How long does it take to see results with collagen peptides?

Discovering when you'll see results with collagen peptides is important. Response time varies, influenced by these factors:

  • Age – if you’re younger your collagen signalling pathways tend to be more ‘on-point’ so you may notice sooner.
  • Diet – if you have an antioxidant- rich diet, that’s high in vitamin C (with plenty of colourful fruit, veggies, herbs and spices) you may notice sooner, as this help s preserve collagen and helps with new collagen formation.
  • Lifestyle – if you have a great stress management regimen, you may notice sooner, as this helps with balanced inflammatory pathways to keep your cells happy, which helps optimise new collagen formation.

Research shows that collagen supplements offer joint and skin support after 12 weeks of use. However, you may notice support for smooth skin and comfy joints sooner than this. Optimise benefits by incorporating collagen into meals consistently.

Want to know more about collagen and beauty? Don’t miss out this blog about  10 collagen beauty bestsellers for your youthful glow.

Shop Natural Collagen Powder →

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