
from a to zinc: bpure new product vit d restore capsules

After the best diet that works for you – and your wellbeing? Whether you’re an omnivore, vegetarian, vegan – or somewhere in between, keeping on top of nutritional deficiencies is key.

Vegetarianism and veganism have grown in popularity over the years, and there’s no doubt they offer plenty of benefits for both our health – and the environment. But keeping a close eye on common micro and macronutrient levels – like iron and protein, is important for ensuring your body continues to thrive and feel its best.

If you’re going vegan – or already eating more plant-based foods, let’s look at some key nutrients to add to your supplement shelf.

Prioritise a good serving of protein at every meal

It’s no news that vegan diets are typically low in total protein compared to other diet groups – especially those who aren’t big on their legumes, nuts or seeds. With plant proteins being less digestible (50-70%) than animal proteins – and with vegans consuming fewer essential amino acids overall, ensuring you get enough protein on this diet is essential.

Healthy tip: Tofu, tempeh and legumes are all high in protein – making them perfect for mealtimes. Better yet, include BePure’s Perfect Plant Protein to the mix (delish in raw treats or your favourite smoothie) to take your daily protein even further.

Get enough vitamin B12

While vitamin B12-rich foods commonly include meat, poultry and eggs – there's plenty of alternatives you can reach for on a plant-based lifestyle to ensure your levels are kept in check. A high quality B12 supplement – preferably with forms like methlycobalamin, can help support your daily dose.

Healthy tip: In addition to your B12 supplement, it’s always a good idea to see a local GP (or other health professional), so they can check your B12 is at a healthy level.

Keep an eye on your iron levels

After daily energy, healthy stamina and mental wellness? Start with iron.

With non-heme iron – the only form of iron available in plant-based foods being less bioavailable, and phytic acid found in wholegrains and legumes – making it hard for our bodies to properly absorb iron from these foods, supplementing with iron on a vegan diet is incredibly important.

Healthy tip: Support lasting energy with BePure’s Iron Restore – a healthy bestseller to fuel your day from the inside-out.

Don’t forget about zinc!

Zinc is a powerhouse mineral – required in over 200 enzymatic processes in our body. Having enough ensures our energy, immune health, skin, digestion (you name it!) is kept well, and healthy. And while zinc is often found in meat, dairy, seafood and eggs – it's great to know there’s alternatives to turn to when going plant-based. A zinc supplement is essential when vegan, ensuring that the enzymes in your body are able to do their job efficiently.

Omega 3’s

Omega 3s are essential fatty acids – like EPA and DHA, that we all need because our bodies can’t make them on their own. Important for heart, brain and joint health – getting enough omega 3s as a vegan is sure to help your body feel its best.

Whether you’re steering clear of animal products or after an alternative to algae, a vegan omega-3 supplement might be just what you need.

Healthy tip: The body can make EPA and DHA from ALA – found in plant sources of omega 3s, like walnuts or flaxseeds. Aim to include at-least one serving of these plant-based foods daily, on top of your go-to vegan omega-3 supplement.

Vitamin D and the calcium link

Vitamin D is key for healthy levels of calcium and bone formation. This sunshine vitamin can even be found in plant-based foods like mushrooms – which contain a considerable amount of vitamin D when grown in ideal conditions (if they’re grown in the dark, they’ll have less).

But with our bodies’ abilities to produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, what if we did that instead? This absorption, however, can only happen when the sun is at its highest strength (11am-3pm) - making it risky business. Sore sun burn? No thanks!

BePure Vit D Restore Capsules

Thankfully, getting enough vitamin D in – especially as a vegan, is easy with  BePure’s newest Vitamin D Restore Capsules. This one capsule-a-day formula contains 1000IU of vegan vitamin D3, with added vitamin K2 for optimal absorption. Powered by plants – and here to support your bone health, immune health, mood and energy. What’s not to love?

Lisa’s recommendation

  1. Food choices are personal – so ensuring you’re getting enough nutrition through your food choices is important to help you function at your best and find your essential energy.
  2. Leverage a food first approach – with the right supplements to top up your needs. I’d recommend our latest launch: Vitamin D Restore Capsules – for bone and immune health.
  3. Looking to fill other nutritional gaps? Live your best plant-based life with BePure’s Zinc Restore and Iron Restore – for daily B12, gut friendly iron and zinc.

Shop BePure Vitamin D Restore Capsules →    Shop BePure →

Always read the label and use as directed. Supplementary to a balanced diet. BePure Health Limited Auckland. PP2231

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