Looking for intimacy support, vaginal comfort, and a healthy mojo? Clinicians Women’s Intimacy Support is close to Naturopath and Clinician’s product formulator’s heart, Jane Cronin, who helped develop this product after her own experience through menopause.
It's a bestseller within HealthPost’s leading women’s health range. And for good reason. Its unique herbal formula has supported thousands of women over the years.
This nourishing customer favourite supports vaginal health, libido, and intimacy, for women experiencing perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.
Tell us a bit about yourself? How is your current wellbeing?
“I am now post-menopause and feel like I am settled into a new stage now after all the ups and downs of menopause transitions. I think after menopause the body is more susceptible to stress, so as a very busy person I am always keeping an eye on my adrenal health and sleep patterns. My goal is to remain strong, flexible, and physically fit. I achieve this through cardio and weight training at the gym and lots of walking with golf. Exercise is so important as we age to remain mobile, for bone density and cardiovascular health.
During the week I practice intermittent fasting, as I’ve found this works for me, my lifestyle, and goals. My main meals are breakfast and lunch, with a small snack early evening e.g. fruit and plant protein shake. This helps to manage a healthy weight as metabolism naturally slows as we age.”
How was your journey through menopause?
“I’ve always had hormonal challenges since I started my period – including painful periods and an endometriosis diagnosis in my 30s. As I reached perimenopause, when oestrogen levels can increase, I experienced significant challenges with heavy periods for weeks on end.
This finally resulted in no more periods, which was amazing. However, it was replaced by hot flushes, difficult sleep, brain fog, and anxious feelings. I also noticed libido and vaginal changes as oestrogen levels dropped. That’s what lead me to research options for Clinicians Menopause range – including bestseller Women’s Intimacy Support.”
What 3 holistic tips helped you get through menopause with more ease?
“Stimulants can exacerbate menopause symptoms. So, I found coffee, green/black tea and alcohol increased hot flushes. Cut these back or out of your diet to try and have less moments of overheating. Supporting your adrenal glands is so important in menopause and there are some amazing adaptogen herbs like rhodiola and withania that provide nourishing support.
There are some excellent herbal helpers for menopause, which lead to us reformulating our Menopause Balance product. Chaste tree is an essential herb to support you through perimenopausal transition. It supports heavy periods and low mood as hormone levels change. My favourite herb for support once you have stopped periods is red clover. For me this was a life saver.
Many women notice weight gain round their middle and possible sugar cravings around this time. Try to make sure you have plenty of protein and good fats like avocado with your meals to keep blood sugar balance. Cut back on refined carbs like breads, rice, cakes, treats, fizzy drinks. Cinnamon and chromium are also excellent for supporting health sugar balance.”
You helped formulate Clinicians Women's Intimacy Support after your journey through menopause, what should we know about this product?
“While this is a great menopause product, we have also had a lot of younger women who want vaginal comfort and libido support, tell us they love this product. I was lucky enough to have a fellow naturopath put me onto sea buckthorn when I was going through my own discomfort. This really helped with vaginal moisture levels and made things like having vaginal smears more comfortable.
This is why I encouraged our development team to create our Women’s Intimacy Support with sea buckthorne. However, our researchers also found other lovely ingredients like rose oil and the herb Kwao Krua and Shatavari for additional hormonal support.
This product is designed to be especially helpful to support women who are well into menopause and have noticed changes to vaginal moisture levels, sensitivity, and libido. We sell a trial pack that lasts 10 days and most women will notice a change within this time frame.”
Every menopause journey is unique. Could you share a particular moment, learning, or experience during menopause to support others on their journey?
“This is a time of hormonal change like we experienced in our teens. We survived them with a few ups and downs, so we can get through menopause. It is just a natural transition that we go through as women. Some women will sail through with minimum discomfort, other will have a few more challenges like I did, but there are many natural health supplements available to smooth the transition.
It is a time when we might have to make some adjustments to diet and lifestyle, but this sets us up to move forward with healthy aging.
As a person who experienced heavy periods, I love the freedom of going camping or to festivals or special occasions without having to deal with periods that would inevitably turn up at the most inconvenient time.
No matter where you’re at or what symptoms you’re experiencing, there are herbal helpers like Women's Intimacy Support to support you on your way.”