Our glossary gives you information on popular ingredients used in natural health and skincare products.
[ { "title":"Ingredients Glossary", "topContent":"Our glossary gives you information on popular ingredients used in natural health and skincare products.", "image":{ "desktop":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-v7ajalirzz/product_images/uploaded_images/ig-maindesktop190219.png", "mobile":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-v7ajalirzz/product_images/uploaded_images/ig-mainmobile190218.png" }, "data":[ { "key":"n", "info":[ { "btn_first":{ "name":"Learn More", "href":"/ingredients-glossary/nettle/" }, "btn_second":{ "name":"Shop now", "href":"/search-results?q=nettle" }, "title":"Nettle", "prodimage":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-t932hsshh8/product_images/uploaded_images/ig-nettle.png", "description":[ "Supports skin and urinary health", "Rich in minerals, including silicon and iron", "Supports a healthy prostate" ], "information":"Nettle is an herbaceous, leafy plant that grows wild in in temperate and tropical regions worldwide. Nettle is very nutrient dense - it contains lots of vitamins and minerals." } ] } ] } ]