Ingredients Glossary
Our glossary gives you information on popular ingredients used in natural health and skincare products.
[ { "title":"Ingredients Glossary", "topContent":"Our glossary gives you information on popular ingredients used in natural health and skincare products.", "image":{ "desktop":"", "mobile":"" }, "data":[ { "key":"p", "info":[ { "btn_first":{ "name":"Learn More", "href":"/ingredients-glossary/propolis/" }, "btn_second":{ "name":"Shop Now", "href":"/natural-health-supplements/specialty-supplements/propolis/" }, "title":"Propolis", "prodimage":"", "description":[ "Supports immune fuctions", "Potent antioxidant", "Antibacterial" ], "information":"Propolis is a natural substance that is made by bees. It is high in flavonoids and has potent antioxidant properties." }, { "btn_first":{ "name":"Learn More", "href":"/ingredients-glossary/protein/" }, "btn_second":{ "name":"Shop Now", "href":"/natural-sports-fitness/protein-powder/" }, "title":"Protein", "prodimage":"", "description":[ "Essential macronutrient", "For muscle growth and repair", "Available in powders and bars" ], "information":"Protein, much like water, is essential to sustain life. It is used by the body to build, maintain, and repair tissue, as well as to synthesise hormones, enzymes, and antibodies." } ] } ] } ]