Love hearing from others in our community – to help inspire your healthy choices?
Whether you’re after holistic healthy living tips to support you no matter age or stage, or favourites to help you stock up on goodness – let's hear from Stef, Jodie and Stepanka who share how they’re living naturally.
Meet Stef
- What’s one healthy living tip you’d love to share with our community?
Find what works best for you in regard to healthy food and diet, exercise, supplements and beauty products. Everyone is different. What works for them doesn’t necessarily work for you.
- What’s one wellness goal you’re working on and why?
To manage my peri menopause symptoms and make it through this stage in life well. This includes supplements that help with my hormones, doing yoga regularly to help my mood and flexibility, and the right exercise for this stage.
- What’s your favourite HealthPost product and why?
My favourite HP product at the moment is actually 2 products that I can’t live without: BePure EstroClear and BePure Cycle Calm. They help support my mood, tender breasts, period pain, headaches – and all my perimenopause symptoms. I love this brand for their effective supplements
Meet Jodie
- Share one healthy living tip with our community?
Keep harnessing the child in you as the years go by, do that cartwheel on the beach... have fun and don't take life or yourself too seriously.
- A wellness goal you’re working on and why?
Stength of mind and body. Now in my 50's staying strong physically is as important as ever to avoid injuries and have the energy to be able to experience life, all it's opportunities, and be able to support others.
- Your favourite HealthPost product?
Well lots of favs but... at this stage in my life cycle, Superfeast Lions Mane is a main stay! It is very easy to take, and I value the ethics of the brand and quality of the product. I believe it helps with focus, clarity and immune system support.
Meet Stepanka
- A healthy living tip you’d love to share with our community?
Try for a good night sleep. Daily walk in fresh air. Positive thinking, positive attitude.
- One wellness goal you’re working on?
Spend more time in the nature. I feel much more alive when outdoors, my head clears and I can see things more clearly, too.
- Tell us your favourite HealthPost product and why?
I have got more than one. At the moment it’s Weleda’s cough elixir.The taste is pleasant, doesn't make my kids nauseous. It's easy to take. The packaging is simple yet effective, as with all of Weleda's products. It's a bit pricey but I'm willing to pay for it, knowing it will help where needed.
Want more healthy inspiration for your wellness? Discover other holistic tips shared by our community of customers, Naturopaths and healthy living ambassadors.
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