How does menopause affect bones?
Estrogen plays a big part in bone health; it protects bone strength and mineralisation. Scientists have found that estrogen has an influence over osteoblasts, which are cells that continually rebuild and strengthen our bones. Less estrogen can mean less osteoblast activity.
After menopause occurs, estrogen levels decline and bones naturally become less dense. Making sure you are getting enough calcium as well as regular weight bearing exercise is very important to maintain bone strength.
Spine, hips and wrists
Your spine, hips and wrists are the most important bone areas to maintain strength in. As we age, it’s important to look at self-care initiatives to help protect and maintain bone strength.
Regular weight bearing exercise
‘Weight bearing exercise’ (WBE) is a commonly used term, but what does this actually mean? Basically, it’s any exercise where you are working against gravity.
What qualifies as WBE?
- Stair climbing
- Golf
- Hill walking
- Hiking
- Fast walking
- Dancing
30 minutes, three times per week is recommended. That sounds do-able. Dancing will also help with balance and co-ordination which in turn, helps with steadiness on the feet. Getting friends and family involved is also a great way to keep up motivation and make exercise more fun.
Why is WBE important?
Osteoblasts play a part here. Weight bearing exercises reduce bone loss and stimulate osteoblasts to work at new bone formation. Prior to beginning any new exercise, it’s important to check with your doctor to make sure that the proposed exercise is safe to undertake.
Having sufficient calcium intake
Getting sufficient calcium post menopause is important for maintaining bone strength. Most of the calcium in the body is found in the skeletal system. Calcium can support bone health and help to ensure bones stay strong, healthy and less likely to fracture and deteriorate.
What to look for in a calcium supplement
Not all calcium supplements are created equal. Naturally-sourced, plant derived calcium is a great place to start. Lithothamnium is a sustainably harvested red marine algae that contains high levels of bioavailable calcium along with 72 naturally occurring trace minerals. These trace minerals include boron which is crucial for healthy bones.
The correct calcium to magnesium ratio
Calcium and magnesium have an interrelated action in the human body. The bioavailability of calcium relies on the correct ratio of these two minerals, as magnesium has a huge influence on the movement of calcium in the body. The ideal ratio is 1.3 calcium to 1 magnesium for optimal bioavailability and utilization of calcium in the body.
Bioavailable magnesium
It is important to choose a form of magnesium that is easy for the body to absorb and transport. Magnesium citrate crosses cell membranes easily, which makes it an ideal form for the body to assimilate and use. Magnesium is important for nervous system health; it can support feelings of calmness, as well as getting to sleep and staying asleep. The scientific terms for these are sleep onset and sleep quality. Our bodies also need magnesium in order to convert vitamin D into its active form.
Vitamin D3 cofactor
D3 is an important co-factor for calcium inside the body and binding of calcium into bone tissue. Vitamin D is also important for immune function and healthy mood.
Choosing with an environmental and social conscience
One way to be sure that the product you are choosing is produced in an ethical way is to look for B Corp certification. B Corp certification assesses the overall positive impact of a company on its workers, suppliers, community, consumers, and the environment. The aim is reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose. Read more about B Corp certification.
BioBalance Calcium Magnesium with Vitamin D3 contains naturally sourced vegetarian calcium from Lithothamnium marine algae. It has a 1.3 calcium to 1 magnesium ratio for optimal calcium metabolism in the body. It also contains highly bioavailable magnesium citrate and vitamin D3. BioBalance has B Corp certification for added peace of mind when it comes to social, ethical and environmental considerations.
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Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms
persist see your healthcare professional. BioBalance, Golden Bay