
Ethical shopping made easy with Mindful Brands: Q&A

Tell us about HealthPost’s Mindful Brands

One of the things I love about working at HealthPost is getting to connect the businesses who are doing things better with the folk who genuinely care. That’s how Mindful Brands came about – to make ethical shopping easy, and to celebrate the brands that excel in the Mindful Values we are committed to here at HealthPost: transparency, people, nature and materials.

Our strong relationships with our supply partners enable us to get a holistic picture of how these brands operate, starting with our robust new product assessment and onboarding processes. We’re not shy to ask hard questions and request more information. This sets the tone for a relationship built on trust, so we can give our customers the assurances they need to make an informed choice.

We created Mindful Brands to help deliver on our mission to make mindful, healthy choices easier. It’s a live piece of work as we’re constantly reviewing our standards and having in-depth conversations with our suppliers and customers, to keep pace with the needs of our changing world.

What ethical values are important to you when shopping natural health and wellness?

Top of the list for me is transparency: brands that are prepared to lay all their cards on the table rather than just telling me what they think I want to hear. Working in the sustainability space, it really jumps out at me when brands are overclaiming or, as often happens, oversimplifying complex issues to the point of being misleading.

For me, what builds trust and loyalty in a brand is full, clear and honest product presentation. We all value different things, but we can’t shop by these values unless we are getting good and complete information on the products we buy. I want to see this become the norm.

We’d love to hear about 4 of your favourite Mindful Brands and why?


I love the horopito plant! I grew up around this beautiful native pepper tree that forms the basis of the Kolorex range, and we still have fields of it growing around our old family homestead, which are sustainably harvested to create the extract for the Kolorex range. I get to experience firsthand how environmentally sustainable this process is and to enjoy the sheep grazing among the rows, naturally fertilising the ground and trimming the grass. I find Kolorex a very effective way to maintain gut and skin balance. I don’t use these products daily, but I wouldn’t want to be without them.

Shop Kolorex →

Chia Sisters

I was lucky to go hiking in the Himalayas with co-founder Chloe when the Chia Sisters dream was just being born, and Chloe kept us all supplied with chia seeds to put in our water bottles to power us over the mountain passes! It’s been amazing to see Chia Sisters bring the goodness of chia to so many while becoming a leading light of ethical business in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Chia Sisters is a standout brand across multiple mindful values, raising the bar in so many ways whilst producing delicious, nutritious beverages just ‘over the hill’ in Nelson. We’re happy to share the B Corp commitments with Chia Sisters and to be involved in the Businesses for Climate Action here in Te Tauihu (Top of the South) which Chloe and Florence of Chia were instrumental in founding.

From pressed juices to superfood smoothies and health tonics – their range is vegan friendly and produced in their very own solar-powered juicery.

Shop Chia Sisters →

Wild Dispensary

Wild Dispensary is another South Island star across a range of our mindful values. We’ve been involved with this great Dunedin-based business since very early days, so we’ve had front row seats to how they’re doing things better, including supporting wildlife rescue and their local community. Personally, I rely on their  Rest and Calm, for me and the kids, and their Liver Bitters and Switchel are delicious tonics. They are waste-conscious and certified Living Wage.

Shop Wild Dispensary →


Based in Byron Bay, Australia, SuperFeast is my trusted favourite for the mushroom extracts that go into every coffee and cacao these days - a moveable ‘feast’ from cordyceps to reishi, depending on the time of day and what I feel I need. I’m especially wedded to their thoughtful blends: the nootropic Neural Nectar and the founder’s signature Mason’s Mushrooms

When SuperFeast first applied to be ranged with us a few years ago, we were blown away by the exceptional quality and quantity of information they provided to support every ingredient in their range, from efficacy to sourcing and testing. So, it’s no surprise that they’re standouts in our Mindful Brands!

Shop SuperFeast →

Learn more about our Mindful Brands →    Hear about our responsible sourcing →

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