Looking for natural support to keep your gut fighting fit?
You know that gut health and digestion are key to overall health and wellbeing, but a healthy gut is often something we don’t think about until things are out of balance.
The good news is that there are simple steps that you can take every day to keep your digestive tract fighting fit. Whether you're looking for a calm, regular, and soothed tum - without the belly bloat, or an all-round healthy microbiome, there are plenty of easy, healthy lifestyle changes you can make and herbs you can lean on for extra support.
Let's explore three easy steps for your healthy body and happy gut.
Gut health - why does it matter?
Your digestive system is an intricate system that is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of your food so that your body can use it for literally every bodily function.
The protein that your body needs for muscles and immune cells; the carbohydrates you need for energy; the fats needed for brain function and hormone production; and the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients needed for all the millions of chemical reactions that take place in your body every day – it all comes from what you eat and absorb.
Regular daily bowel motions are also a key function of a healthy digestive system – you need to eliminate the waste.
Your digestive system is so important for your whole health.
What are some common misconceptions about gut health?
Some common misconceptions about gut health include the belief that probiotics are the only solution, that gut health is only related to digestion, and that gut health can be improved overnight. In reality, gut health is complex and is influenced by many factors like diet, stress, and lifestyle.
What about your gut microbiome?
Studies have shown that this friendly community of good bacteria looks after your whole body.
Here are some of my favourite health benefits:
Also, a higher level of diversity (the variety of different gut microbes keeping things running smoothly) the better your health outcomes.
Including plenty of fibre-rich foods is a great way to keep your probiotic bacteria happy, wholefoods like greenish bananas, pumpkin, stone fruit, almonds, oats and legumes, are all great options.
Fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, yoghurt and kimchi provide beneficial post-biotics - the beneficial goodies that probiotics produce.
When gut health isn’t optimal
If your digestive system isn’t functioning at its best, you can start to notice niggly issues. You may experience bloating, heartburn, or digestive discomfort. Your bowels may be too loose, or you may find it hard to go to the toilet.
These are all important signs that it's time to take a healthy look at your gut health to get things feeling smooth and comfortable. Check out the simple steps below to get your gut back on track.
Fluid & food first
While your gut absorbs all the nutrients from your food – it needs fluids to move it through your digestive system. Drinking enough fluid (ideally from water or herbal teas) will help to keep your bowels moving. Bonus if your herbal teas have digestion-supporting plants in them.
My favourite digestive supporting herbs? Chamomile, Fennel, and Dandelion root (which is full of probiotic-loving inulin).
An easy way to gauge if you're getting enough fluids is to keep an eye on the colour of your urine. If you’re well-hydrated your urine should be straw-coloured yellow (though certain foods and supplements such as B vitamins and beetroot can change the colour too).
3 easy tips for upping your nutrition
- I love to make a pot of gut-health-happy herbal tea in the morning (see below for suggestions!) and sip it throughout the day.
- Eating a wide range of colourful fruits and veggies every day is the one of the best assurances for good gut health. Aside from their high nutrient content, the fibre in plant foods feed your good gut bacteria and ensures healthy bowel movements.
- Rather than worrying about specific details, aim to make half your plate fruits and veggies at every meal. With that as your guiding principle, you will be well on your way to getting your daily allowance of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. This way, whether you are a meat-and-three-veg type or a plant-based queen, you can adjust your plate to suit your preferences.
Keep calm with carminatives
Carminatives are plants that support digestion and breakdown of foods and minimise gas and bloating. They also have immediate soothing properties to support an irritated gut and can help to support healthy acid balance.
Plants such as Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) all have this soothing and relaxing action on the digestive system.
Carminatives are lovely in tea taken after meals or when needed throughout the day.
Tea not your style? Try an oral liquid formula which can be taken off the spoon. Liquid formulas are best for digestive health because they absorb quickly and you don’t have to worry about your gut’s ability to breakdown a tablet or capsule.
Top picks:
Shop artemis Digestive Tea → | Shop artemis Digestive Ease → |
Breakdown better with bitters
Bitters are herbs or vegetables that have a bitter taste – seems simple right?
But bitters are so amazing! The taste of something bitter activates the release of digestive acids and enzymes in the stomach, liver, and pancreas – increasing your body’s ability to breakdown and absorb your food, which as you now know = a healthy, happy gut.
Consuming bitter herbs or vegetables before a meal helps to support the release of digestive juices that we need to effectively break down nutrients and keep things moving in the bowel – without the need for a laxative.
Bitters are also great to have on hand after you’ve eaten rich foods or overindulged.
An easy and effective option for supporting digestive function is to take a plant formula with bitter herbs as a tea 15-30 minutes before your meals. Taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, bitters can also help to gently encourage regular bowel motions.
Globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus), St. Mary’s thistle (Silybum marianum), Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale), and Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) are an ideal combination and are found in artemis Liver Detox Tea to synergistically support digestion and liver detoxification at the same time.
Your gut works hard and is a foundational pillar for optimal health – so give it the care it deserves.
Keeping it simple with food, fluids and plant formulas to support healthy digestion and regular bowel motions will help to ensure that you your gut stays healthy down the line.
Look for the best quality plant formulas to ensure that you get products that work. All artemis products are formulated by traditional plant medicine experts for maximum potency and health support.